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How can I reset my Wayflyer password?
Updated over a month ago
  1. Click here to get to the login page

  2. Enter the primary email associated with your Wayflyer account and click “Forgot password?".

  3. Wayflyer will send you an email with further instructions to create a new password, so you can reset it and log back in.

If you haven't received the Wayflyer password reset email

  • Check the Spam or Junk Folder in your email inbox to see if the email landed there.

  • Ensure you signed up with an email and password. If you login through Google, go back to the Wayflyer login page and click the Sign in with Google option instead. If you want to reset your Google password, please follow the Google instructions to do so.

  • If you do not receive an email at all, it is possible your email address has not been verified. Check your inbox for an email titled “Wayflyer: Verify your email address”. Click the link in the email to verify your email address. Then, go back to the steps to reset your password.

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