To Verify Your Business:
Step 1: Provide Company details and documents:
Company registration number
Registered address of the company and principal place of business (if different)
Company Employee Identification Number (EIN) or equivalent tax number (varies by jurisdiction)
Electronic copy of a company formation document (e.g., articles of incorporation)
Additional required details for US companies:
Company phone number
Company website
Business vertical and industry
Step 2: Add Executives and Owners:
Individuals who own 25% or more of the equity interests or voting rights (direct or indirect ownership)
At least one executive with significant responsibility (e.g., CEO or CFO)
If an owner is also an executive, add them only once
Required information for each person:
Full name
Date of birth
Residential address
Email address
Phone number
Social Security Number (SSN) for US-based individuals (or an equivalent tax number for other jurisdictions)
Role in the company (e.g., CEO, CFO, General Partner)
Indicate if they are a beneficial owner (own 25% or more of the company)
Confirmation if they are the contract signer
UBO ownership percentage (where applicable) for US-based customers
Step 3: Review and Submit:
Review all entered information and documents
Submit the information for verification
π‘ Additional Information
If no individual directly or indirectly owns 25% or more of the business, confirm that during the submission process.
The executive added must be the one signing the contract to receive funding.
If there are errors with the information provided by executives and owners, they will be contacted for verification.
For Individuals Asked to Verify Identity:
Step 1: Prepare Required Items:
Valid government-issued photo ID (not expired)
A device with a camera (preferably a mobile device for better photo quality)
Step 2: Follow the Verification Link:
Click the link provided in the email to start the identity verification process.
Step 3: Take Photos of Your ID and Selfie:
You will be prompted to take photos of the front and back of your government-issued photo ID.
You will be prompted to take a selfie to complete your ID verification.
Step 4: Completion:
Once the photos are submitted, you are done.
π Important Notes:
Wayflyer uses secure Stripe technology for identity verification.
Stripe asks for your consent before collecting and storing your information, which will only be used in accordance with your permissions and their Privacy Policy.
Ensure the image quality is good for successful verification (avoid glare, blurriness, or blocking any part of the ID document).
Use ambient lighting and avoid strong overhead lights or bright light sources.
If you encounter problems verifying your identity, contact Wayflyer's team.
If you require an alternative identity verification method, contact Wayflyer's team.
Your data is secured in encrypted databases. View our privacy notice to learn more.